We employ the Whole Child Approach as a Mentoring Program

Board of Directors & Staff


  • Ali Jackson, Chair
  • Michelle McGee, Treasurer
  • Brad Florentin, Career Exploration and Business Development
  • Greg Pollard, Athletic Enrichment and Academic Governance
  • Jerold Foster, Leadership Development (at-large)


Athletics & Beyond has an active Board of Directors that consists of Colorado natives who graduated from Denver Public Schools (DPS) and universities in Colorado.  These members serve as our voices since they are from the community and serve their community.  All of our board members have children that currently or have attended DPS so they can personally testify to the achievement gaps in the school system and have a stake in making improvements. The Board of Directors of A&B includes 9 members that represent education, business, and sports. A&B recruits young men and women that have experienced the same barriers to graduation and college attendance as the current A&B classes. The ability to relate to each student and their situation is number one on the priority list for all staff, volunteers,s and board of directors. This strategy has proven successful for many years and has allowed for close and trusting relationships between A&B staff and volunteers and the students they serve.


  • Executive Director- Narcy Jackson is on the (DPS) African American Equity Task Force Steering Committee, Far Northeast Economic Summit Steering Committee, and recognized as one of the My Brother's Keeper 25 
  • Program Managers- Kyle Reese
  • Mentors- Paul Jefferson, AliJah Jackson (major Criminal Justice-Forensic Investigations), Ezekiel Bishop (major: Optometrist), Justin Adams (Communications), Joshua Ford (double major: Sociology and Ethnic Studies), Adrian Cook and Jimall Loftis (JEGNA).
  • Alum leadership counsel: Jervae Robinson (Washington State University), Ammon Johnson & Rashaan Johnson (Colorado State University-Pueblo), Josh Spicely (the University of Colorado- intern football coach), Melik Elliston, Jovon Roybal (Mesa State University graduate), Jordon Vaden (Colorado State University graduate), Zach Peterson (Colorado School of Mines), Amani Jackson (apprentice program real estate), Tyreek Scaggs (Chadron State University) and David Thornton (Northeast Junior College- Nebraska) and Machi Cross (Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Early College).
  • Director of Boxing- Everette Elliston and Directors of Baseball JC Martinez & Bryan Sanders


All inquiries contact Narcy Jackson Ph#303-725-0811 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Youth Advisory Council:

  • Jr. Co-Chairs- Ammon Johnson & Isaiah Waiters & Zach Peterson
  • Public Relations/Speaker- Machi Cross and Dre Thompson

"My Brothers Keeper Initiative"

The National Mentoring Partnership is proud to collaborate on President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative, a public, private, and philanthropic effort to support boys and young men of color in reaching their full potential. The My Brother’s Keeper Task Force identified mentoring as a critical component of the initiative. As the unifying champion for expanding quality youth mentoring, MENTOR has served as an advisor to inform the task force recommendation to launch a public-private campaign to actively recruit high-quality, sustained mentors for all youth and increase support for the capacity of mentoring programs to deliver impactful outcomes. MENTOR’s volunteer search engine is powering this effort and thousands of individuals have already used this tool on the White House website to look for mentoring opportunities in their communities.